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Flag of Poland

Polish Flag is made of two equal, horizontal stripes: white and red. It was officially recognized in 1919, one year after Poland regained her independence.

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Eagle of Poland

Polish Eagle (Polish Emblem) was officially recognized in 1918. In the years of communism, the eagle was deprived of it's crown. In 1990, the crown was restored.

Abroad, the Polish flag with the Polish Eagle on the white stripe [State flag] is used only for diplomatic representation of the Republic of Poland.



Mazurek Dąbrowskiego

Jeszcze Polska nie zgineła,

Kiedy my żyjemy.

Co nam obca przemoc wzieła,

Szablą odbierzemy.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski,

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski,

Za twoim przewodem

Złaczym się z narodem.

Przejdziem Wisłe, przejdziem Warte,

Będziem Polakami,

Dał nam przykład Bonaparte,

Jak zwyciężać mamy.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski...

Jak Czarniecki do Poznania

Po szwedzkim zaborze,

Dla ojczyzny ratowania

Wracał się przez morze.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski...

Dabrowski Mazurka (English version)

Poland has not yet succumbed.

As long as we remain,

What the foe by force has seized,

Sword in hand we'll gain.

March! March, Dabrowski!

March from Italy to Poland!

Under your command

We shall reach our land.

Cross the Vistula and Warta

And Poles we shall be;

We've been shown by Bonaparte

Ways to victory.

March! March, Dabrowski!

As Czarniecki Poznan town regains,

Fighting with the Swede,

To free our fatherland from chains.

We shall return by sea.

March! March, Dabrowski!

Author of the anthem of Republic of Poland: Jozef Wybicki. Officially adopted in 1927.

Designed by Rafal B. @ Polish-Flag.com. Thanks to Marek R. at Polish Dictionary.

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